Teen Vogue: Media Literacy 101 (5 Steps to Help You Avoid Fake News)


If it makes you mad it’s normal to want to smash that share button. But before you feed the (fake) news cycle ask yourself: is this *actually* true? Or am I being played by someone profiting off my outrage? ⁣

🔘Media Literacy 101: 5 Steps to Help You Avoid Fake News 🔘 is a resource I created for young people — originally published in Teen Vogue a few years back and now updated for 2021 to reflect the current state of this dark new chapter of conspiracy theories gone mainstream (appallingly championed by some of our elected officials currently in office and our former President).

Please share this guide to navigating an endless sea of misinformation with friends and family in your life: teens and grandmas alike.

Interested in learning more? See my full guide to teaching kids about media literacy right here.