Book news + resources for you to share with young people

Hello, friends, teachers, readers & humans! This is my 50th letter to you. 🎉🎉🎉 Thank you for reading and as always, I appreciate your comments and replies!

… for Young People!

It’s revision time! I’m finally knee-deep in editing-mode. (A preferred activity to creation-mode i.e. blank-page-staring-mode, indeed.) I can see the light to publication day (even though it’s still a year away) AND I’m scheming on how I can make Jane’s ideas useful to you — a young reader (OR, perhaps more likely: a social studies, civics, or history teacher, librarian, or bookseller). If you are one of “those people,” you know, a devoted shaper of children’s minds and futures — tell me, what makes you share a book with a young person? How can I help you in the classroom or library? Respond to this email to tell me — I’d love to hear!

… at the Library!

Swing by the Dobbs Ferry Public Library to read zines made by local kids! While you’re there, grab a copy of…

❤️So What IS a Zine? And Why You Should Make One? 💗

So exciting to see young writers and artists share their work with their peers! (A special thanks to Ms. Gina for installing a zines library in the children’s room!)✂️🖊

Things that made me look!

Why is she there?

Art books, small books, and zines: I have been making these in earnest. Check out This is a book of Damian Davis art that I like and The Crow, a zine about Le Corbusier.

Parents! Have you watched Jonathan van Ness’ new show, Getting Curious? My 4th grader and I started with the episode "Can we say bye-bye to the binary?” (Warning: there is a brief reference to violence against trans people). Van Ness features public speaker Alok Vaid-Menon who asks, “why should it require bravery to live life on your own terms?” Love, love this episode and looking forward to watching more. My first grader wants to watch the hilariously titled “Why are skyscrapers huge divas?”

Locals: check out this self-guided walking tour from Columbia’s campus to the Schomburg Center in Harlem by Kevin C. Matthews in honor of Black History Month.


Good book alert! Check out What is a river? by Monika Vaicenavičienė



Thoughts? Ideas? Recommendations? I love connecting with fellow readers, writers, parents, and humans. 
Please drop me a line!