“Reading has been my favorite entertainment since I was 6 years old and probably always will be. My regular periodicals at the moment are two or three daily newspapers, the New York Review of Books, Village Voice, Scientific American, Saturday Night, I.F. Stone’s Newsletter, Ramparts, Hard Times, New American Review, Esquire, Canadian Forum, Canadian Dimensions and three new Toronto papers…
I usually read two or three underground papers and neighborhood weeklies from other cities, hit and miss, each week, and find them among the most informative publications. The issues you read about in the underground press and the neighborhood weeklies turn up six months later in the The New York Times.
I plan to be a regular reader, having seen and like the first number of the newsletter, City Hall, put out by Aldermen Jaffray, Kilbourn and Sewell. I always have a couple of books going, how many a month depends on the books.”
—Jane Jacobs, The Way We Are, Critic of Cities, October 24, 1970, Toronto Star. Reprinted in Ideas that Matter: The Worlds of Jane Jacobs, Edited by Max Allen, 2011 edition (first published in 1997).